Saturday, October 17, 2009

Scott's Snacking Wisdom

Scott's Snacking Wisdom from Timothy Koide on Vimeo.

Scott is one of my best friends. He and his wife Whitney (recently joined by their baby boy Jones) moved to San Francisco several months after I did. Their move was a Godsend. As if on cue from some unseen director to the movie of life-I call him God, or Father-they stepped in, and buoyed me up at one of the lowest points that I have had to go through.

I am the kind of guy who makes no attempt to conceal my dependence on other people. I have learned that I need, perhaps we all need, the validation and support that comes from friendship. In some ways, I think this dependence is what can give us strength in those moments when we need to be "independent."

Well, this is Scott, and Scott is one of my best friends.

1 comment:

  1. There is bad honest, like telling people you don't use deodorant, and good honest, like this post.


Why tell our stories?

Telling stories is a tremendous validation of the vitality and importance of each one of our lives. The oral traditions of many societies throughout time have been the primary vehicle for cultural transference. It is an incredibly powerful tool, and one that I have never overlooked. I consider myself a storyteller--and I often find that I am telling other people's stories. So, why not create a forum, like so many others have done, to do that?

In thinking about our friends, family, and ethereal wanderings in the abstract, we realize that our comprehensive life experiences are worth documenting. The purpose of the discourse on this blog is simple and indulgent--but not selfishly so. We want to glorify the everyday (and not so everyday) experiences that each of us traverse so that we can look forward to each and every simple day in the future.